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Thursday 28 May 2020

Che Guevara: Man and Socialism in Cuba

“Man and Socialism in Cuba” is a pamphlet, a manifesto; it is brimming with succinct, powerful ideas that stick together as if bound by a taut steel wire. The general tone of the article is a call-to-action, to abandon passivity. But the text was not composed in a frenzy: this is a truly mature work. Insofar as its author stakes a position and puts forth his principal ideas, this was Che’s communist manifesto, a declaration addressed to the world that simultaneously sought to explain the true nature of socialism and to chart the correct path towards its attainment. The spectre of communism was no longer haunting Europe but the entire world, and Che here addresses himself to those countries who until recently had lacked a personality of their own: the colonies. At the same time, this rich theoretical work heralded an important body of Marxist writing to come.
“Man and Socialism in Cuba” also serves as the preface to a new chapter in Che’s own life, marked by a set of intellectual tasks that began to take shape starting in April 1965. Intellectual commitment was of course only half of his charge at the time, the other being that of internationalist combatant, which would lead him to the Congo, and eventually, Bolivia.   https://www.versobooks.com/



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